Live life to the fullest. It is the journey that counts.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Costa Rica Part Two


As we head back down the rutted mountain road to Montezuma, this time in a shuttle van, Meghan and I discuss my rating of WOW factor. I have had many absolutely incredible experiences and sights during my expensive travels and have decided to rate them from one to ten on a WOW factor. A ten constitutes a combination of any of the following: a high adrenalin rush, incredible sights, a natural wonder of the world, a high level of physical activity or something that is very different from my everyday life. Some tens that come to mind immediately are Jaisalmer fort in Rajasthan, India; Cinque Terre, Italy; the town of Oia on San Torini Island, Greece, and my recent zip lining experience in Monteverde, Costa Rica. WOW.

I find that the more I travel, the harder it is to be impressed. As we leave Monteverde, I wonder if we are making a mistake leaving so soon with so much more to do there. One of the challenges of a short stay in a country is that one cannot see or do everything. And the transitions from one place to another have to be made quickly when there are only a limited amount of days. With this in mind, Meg has planned three days for us in Monteverde and three days in Montezuma. The remaining days in Costa Rica are designated for travel.

As we arrive in Montezuma, I worry that this hippy town will be too quiet, with not have enough to do. But I was mistaken. In our usual style, we check into one hotel but then scout around for another in the morning. As we walk down a dusty hot beach road, we are rewarded for our efforts. Beckoning us is Amor de mar, a beautifully maintained old wooden inn with a water front to die for. Hammocks attached to swaying palm trees call our names. A grassy lawn leads out to the ocean. Our steps quicken as we head inside to see if there are any rooms available. We are in luck, there is one room left. We leave a small deposit and dash back to our hotel for our backpacks.

Repacked and backs laden, Meaghan suggests we take a taxi, but of course, I see the walk as a gym workout, in absence of a gym. So we walk, and sweat. Excited about spending the next three days in the hammocks. Back at Hotel Amor de Mar, we don our bathing suits and head out to our hanging chairs. All of a sudden my desire for exercise is gone and I a m happy to sit and read my book. But every few minutes, I look up and marvel at the amazing views around me. The sun is scorching, perhaps because we so closer to the equator. Our white Canadian skin quickly begins to burn in spite of our 30 sunscreen and we decide to go for a swim at the beach right beside us. Then we jump in another swimming hole enclosed in rocks in front of us. Afterwards, we retreat back to the hammocks in the shade of the verdant palm trees. Meg brings me a glass of white wine and I feel pampered. Not one to sit still, I am finally brought to a halt, happily so.

One of our surprises in Costa Rica is how early the sun sets. By four, it is low in the sky and by six, it is pitch black out. We shower the salt water away, dress and head out for dinner. A delight has been the exceptional food. Each dinner we have is elegantly served and extremely tasty. The only downfall is that few hotels and restaurants accept credit cards and in Monteverde we attempted to withdraw cash at four different ATMS with no success. Finally in Montezuma, we are lucky and the one ATM machine in town works, dispersing both Colonnes and US cash. Just in time too. Otherwise we might have had to eat wieners and beans.

My world slows down as I switch gears into true relax mode. But the days go by way too quickly, punctuated by great meals, awesome fresh fruit drinks, swimming in the ocean, a small hike up to the Montezuma waterfalls, a dip in the natural pool beneath it and lots of reading. Meaghan and I discuss life and all its twists and turns and wonder what the future holds. We imagine her wedding (to whom and when as yet to be determined) on the grounds of this amazing hotel. It is truly a magical place.

All too soon, it is time to return to San Jose for Meg to fly back to Canada. I know that I will definitely return one day to Costa Rica, perhaps for a wedding, who knows. But for now I’m off to Peru to hike the ancient Inca trail to Machu Picchu.

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